About Us
In the book’s last chapter, Stevenson meets a woman who was changed by the comfort of a stranger following the murder of her grandson. The woman tells Stevenson a story from the bible where an adulterer is brought to Jesus. He says, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Jesus saves her, forgives her, and urges her to sin no more. After recounting the story, the woman says she comes to the courtroom daily to catch some of the stones that people cast at one another, repaying a kindness shown to her by a stranger. She then tells Stevenson that he, too, is a stone catcher.
Giving everyone, regardless of their past actions, a chance to recover and move forward in their lives is the foundation of Stone Catchers Counseling.
At Stone Catchers Counseling, we believe that comprehensive therapeutic services are life changing. We have seen the difference that understanding and guidance can have, even in the darkest hour. During those times, it is the mercy shown by others that gives us hope and the motivation to move forward.
The book “Just Mercy” explores the work of author Bryan Stevenson, a criminal defense attorney who dedicated his life to fighting for social justice. As a voice for those who would otherwise have none, Stevenson saw young, poor people of color become victims of the criminal
legal system. He was appalled at the system’s blatant disregard for the clear impact of trauma on these young people and the court’s lack of compassion.
To help people create a new narrative for their lives through a wellness journey that promotes self-acceptance and freedom from past shame in a safe, supportive environment.
Our vision is a world where all people are treated equally and are empowered to change the direction of their lives to achieve healthy, meaningful personal goals.
Stone Catchers Counseling employs a team guided by their hearts as much as their minds. We have a group of talented, skilled, and culturally competent therapists and coaches ready to help you meet your goals.
We recognize that some communities need more help than others to achieve the same outcomes
We know that rehabilitation and recovery is possible for everyone regardless of their history.
We acknowledge the struggles and persecution of the black community and stand in solidarity with the "Black Lives Matter" movement
No one should be defined by their worst moment or live in service to that pain.
We support the LGBTQ + community and acknowledge the daily discrimination, mental pressure, and abuse.
We celebrate our differences and embrace the positive impact those differences create.